Events and Activities
The most interesting options
“Savior of the Honey Feast Day” Fair on 12.08.2018
At the fair there will be an opportunity to try and purchase honey and beekeeping products at affordable prices Date: 08/12/2018 Address: Angarsk, pl.Lenina Organizer: Angarsk city district Administration ...

Interregional Event Calendar “Events of Siberia”
Interregional association of event-driven tourism in Siberia is working to create a single event calendar for the territory of Siberia. The main task is to collect all the events of the territories on a single ...

Christmas Festival in January 2018
Popularization of sacred music is carried out jointly with the Sunday School, Holy Trinity Cathedral of Angarsk Date: January 2018 Address: Angarsk, CC “ Neftekhimik” Organizer: Department for Culture and ...

The flashmob within the frameworks of the “Global Ekhor” World Action in January 2018
Traditionally it is held during the Sagaalgan celebration. Buryats from all over the world congratulate their relatives and friends with Sagaalgan, they dance the national Ekhor dance in the support of the ...

The Youth “StudZima” Festival in February 2018
It is to be held with the aim of popularizing the propaganda of a healthy and active lifestyle, intelligence and social development of the youth of the Angarsk city district. The final is going to take place on the ...

BAM “Angarsk Marathon”. Ski Marathon on 24.02.2018
It is held at the only specialized ski stadium in the Irkutsk region. The marathon traditionally gathers the strongest skiers of the region, which enter into a desperate struggle on perfectly prepared routes with a ...

Folk Maslenitsa Festivals In February 2018
This year Maslenitsa, as before, will be held widely, with folk festivals, songs and dances. Date: February 2018 Address: Angarsk, pl. Lenina, the park zone of the "Sovremennik" CC, on the square in front of the ...

Veteran Ski Skaters Competition on 03.03.2018
We invite to participation skaters 30 years old and older. Distance: 300 m and 500 m. Date: March 3, 2018 Address: Angarsk open ice rink of the "Angara"stadium Organizer: Department for Physical Culture and Sport of ...

Children’s and Youth Theater Collectives “Theatrical Roundabout” Festival in March 2018
The traditional festival of children's and youth theaters works Date: March 2018 Address: Angarsk, Center of Children and Youth Creativity Organizer: Center of Children and Youth Creativity Contact ...

BAM «RussiaLoppet» Ski Marathon on 10.04.2018
Bright, unforgettable and the largest event of the series. The preparation as well as the event itself is large-scaled. The ski slope, which all the distances of the AlpMarathon passes along, is being prepared by ...

All-Russian Action “St. George’s Ribbon”
The action is held annually. During the event participants of the action organize activities aimed at achieving the objectives of the action: festive rallies near memorial places dedicated to the Victory in the ...

The wits & humour competition. The Angarsk Cup on 01.04.2018
The theme of the competition is "Angarsk - the space for victories." Participants: teams representing the national team, institutions Date: April 1, 2018 Address: Angarsk, CC “Neftekhimik” Organizer: ...

All-Russian Conscript Day on 7.04.2018
The event is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of establishment of military commissariats. The program includes military equipment demonstration, military units parade, military units demonstration ...

Traditional Folklore Festival “Krasnaya Gorka” in April 2018
Russian folk ritual festival of spring invocation with the participation of folk groups Date: April 2018 Address: Savvateevka v. Organizer: Department for Culture and Youth Policy of the Administration of ...

Meeting – the “School of Security” Competition In April 2018
Competitions include the following types of contests and competitions: "Survival Route"; "Search and rescue work"; "Combined fire relay"; "General physical preparation"; "The ABC of Security"; ...

Folk “Easter” Festivals In April 2018
Introduction of the Christian holiday. Service, with the priest invitation, food and water illuminating. Holiday festivities. Date: April 2018 Address: "Kitoy"Holiday Village Organizer: "Kitoy" Holiday ...

“April Capel” Guitar Song Festival in April
Bard song singers festival. Date: April 2018 Address: "Harmony" TRTDY Organizer: "Harmony" TRTDY Contact information: 8 (3955) 54-59-11 ...

The Mayor’s Wushu Cup of the Angarsk City District in April
Sports tournament for children from 9 to 14 years old Date: April 2018 Address: Angarsk, Children and Youth Creativity Center Organizer: Children and Youth Creativity Center Contact information: 8 (3955) ...

“Under Love Control” Open City Festival of Orchestras and Ensembles on 04/18/2018
Date: 18/04/2018 Address: CC "Energetik" Organizer: Matveenko E.N. Contact information: 8 (3955) 55-47-20 ...

All-Russia “Biblionight” Action from 20.04.2018-23.04.2018
The social and cultural action devoted to reading takes place in April throughout Russia, this night libraries extend the time and format of their work by arranging art spaces on their territory where the viewer can ...

Fair “Real Product” o 04/21/2018
Date: 4/21/2018 Address: Angarsk, pl. Lenina Organizer: the Department of the Consumer Market of the Public Security Directorate of the Angarsk city district Administration Contact information: 8 (3955) ...

All-Russian Festival of Short Films “Artkino”
Each day of the festival will be screened for films with one break, at the end of the day - discussion of viewing, filling out questionnaires with the evaluation of films on a five-point system. The audience jury will ...

“Victory Day” on May 9, 2018
The parade procession. A festive concert on Lenin Square. Fireworks. Date: May 9, 2018 Address: Angarsk, Lenin Square Organizer: Administration of the Angarsk City District ...

“Summer Season” Fair
The fair will offer agricultural products, seedlings, seeds, gardening tools and other goods for the garden and vegetable garden to buyers at affordable prices to buyers. Date: 28 April; 5, 12, 19, 26 May; ...

“Buy maid in Angarsk” Fair In May 2018
There is an opportunity for small and medium businesses to present their products / services to the residents and guests of the city, to exchange experience with other exhibitors, to solve issues of promotion and ...

International Wooden Sculpture Festival “Lukomorye on Baikal” from 10.05.2018 to 19.05.2018
The festival is held annually and is a socially significant event recognized by the international organizations AIESM (International Association of Monumental Sculpture Events) and ISSA (International ...

“Night At The Museum” action 05/19/2018
Museums Night is an international action aimed to show the resources, opportunities, potential of modern museums, attract visitors to the museum Date: 19/05/2018 Address: Angarsk, City Museum Organizer: ...

Traditional Track and Field Relay Race By The Streets of Angarsk In May 2018
One of the main sports traditions of the city is being held for more than 60 years. More than 1000 people take part: teams of production groups, school and college students. Well-known athletes, Angarsk city ...

“Camomile Planet” Holiday on 05/21/2018
The event participated by national cultural centers delegations Date: 21/05/2018 Address: Angarsk, Children and Youth Creativity Center Organizer: Children and Youth Creativity Center Contact information: ...

“Literary Boulevard” City Book and Reading Holiday on 05/28/2018
The park territory organizes entertaining and intellectual grounds, where literary games and contests, quizzes, loud readings, master classes, outdoor agility and attention games, for children and adults, ...

Celebration of the City Day In May 2018
Great festive program. There will be city platforms arranged with performances of creative teams. There will be a carnival, a concert program, “Angarsk Arbat” exhibition of applicants and folk craftsmen are ...

Children’s Cultural and Sports Festival “Children’s Sur-Kharban” on 01/06/2018
Sur-Kharban from Buryat language means shooting at a leather target. In addition to archery shooting, Sur-Kharban includes sports Buryat wrestling competitions, competitions in stick dragging, volleyball, ...

Motocross In June 2018
Motocross is a race on special sports motorcycles on a rough terrain along a closed road with natural and artificial obstacles. Participants: athletes in motorcycle sport Date: June 2018 Address: Kitoy river ...

Sports Competitions “Polygon-2018” In June
The race includes an obstacle course with the use of special equipment. Includes about 40 tests (rises on the ropes, jumps to the "abyss"). Young people over 18 are invited to participate. The regulations on the ...

National Buryat Holiday “Sur-Kharban” In June 2018
Sur-Kharban is an ancient Buryat sports festival, celebrated after spring field work. It is a bright and colorful celebration of life. People come to get new impressions and a charge of exceptionally positive ...

“Flowers” Fair on 07/21/2018
The fair will offer products of local agricultural and commodity producers (flowers, seedlings, seeds); program of the fair includes competition for the best flower arrangement, concert numbers, a quiz Date: ...

BAM “Angarsk Cross-Country” Triathlon on 07/21/2018
The only multi-race in the Irkutsk region. It is held 7 times in a unique place of the city perimeter with a possibility to swim in comfortable temperature, clear water of the Elovskiy pond, race along the ...

BAM “The Race to the Chersky Peak” Skyranning-Marathon on 18.08.2018
One of the most difficult tests of the series of sporting events is " BAM Marathons", which gathers fans of mountain and marathon running, mountaineering, skyranding and hiking from all over the country. The route ...

The action dedicated to the Day of the Russian Flag on 22.08.2018
The action includes an auto race, a bike ride, a procession with a tricolor up the streets of the city Date: 22.08.2018 Address: Angarsk, pl.Lenina Organizer: Angarsk city district Administration Department for ...

“School Bazaar” Fair on 25.08.2018
The fair will allow to purchase school goods at affordable prices; the program of the fair includes concert numbers, quizzes Date: 08.25.2018 Address: Angarsk, pl. Lenina Organizer: Angarsk city district ...

Festival of Professions In September 2018
The event will be held for the first time. The festival will present professions, master classes, propaganda teams competition, computer testing for the profession choice Address: Angarsk, pl.Lenina ...

“BikeBAM” Race On Mountain Bicycles on 08/09/2018
It is the bright autumn marathon. The largest part of the route runs along the path of the Alp-Marathon. The landscape is notable with the richness of variegated autumn colors, and the track with its versatility. ...

BMX Cycling in September 2018
BMX (Bicycle Moto Cross) is a cycling sport. From the very beginning, it appeared as a preparation for the younger generation of motor-freestylers, for whom these motorcycles were too large, and with the passage of ...

“The Cyclist Day” In September 2018
We invite everyone to take an active part in the race on bicycles Address: Angarsk, pl. Lenina Organizer: Department of Physical Culture and Sports Contact information: 8 (3955) 50-41-57, 50-41-56 ...

“Autumn Harvest” Fair on 22/09/2018
The fair will offer products of local agricultural and commodity producers, vegetables in the range; the program of the fair includes concert numbers, quizzes Date and time: 09/22/2018 Address: Angarsk, ...

“The Lightning” Military Sports Game In September 2018
Competitions are held among the students of the Angarsk city district for initial military training on the basis of the Regulations game staging Address: territory of the military unit No. 3695, Steklyanka set. ...

30th Anniversary of Founding of the Military and Patriotic School “Courage” named after Yu.A. Boldyrev on 28.09.2018
Parade of school cadets, demonstration performances Date and time: 09/28/2018 Address: Angarsk, Military and Patriotic School "Courage" Organizer: Military and Patriotic School "Courage" Contact ...

Traditional Volunteer Relay Over the City “Admission to Volunteers” In October 2018 Relay of Volunteer Squads
Address: Angarsk, Children and Youth Creativity Development Center “Harmony” Organizer: Center for Active Prevention of Socially-Negative Phenomena Contact details: 8 (3955) 54-59-11 ...

Open Contests for Throwing Airplane Models In October 2018
Spectacular competitions of aircraft models Address: Angarsk, Station of young technicians (SYT) Organizer: Station of young technicians (SYT) Contact information: 8 (3955) 51-23-94 ...

Competitions for Radio-Controlled Automodels In October 2018
Competitions among aircraft modelers Address: Angarsk, Station of young technicians (SYT) Organizer: Station of young technicians (SYT) Contact information: 8 (3955) 51-23-94 ...

The Youth Subcultures Festival “White Crow” In November 2018
The festival includes nominations: “Rock Star” (youth rock bands, individual performers); “Kings of the streets” (dance groups, rap groups, individual performers working in the hip-hop direction); ...

Night of Arts 03.11.2018
Annual cultural and educational action Address: Angarsk, Angarsk City Museum Organizer: Angarsk city district Administration Department for Culture and Youth Policy Contact information: 8 (3955) 52-10-63 ...

Ded Morozes and Snegurochkas March Parade “New Year Fairy Tale” In December 2018
The residents of the Angarsk city district can participate in the event without any restrictions on age, sex and professional affiliation: students of colleges, universities, high school students, workers of ...
City Evening of Folk Music In December 2018
Master class of soloist of the Russian folk instruments ensemble “Baikal-quartet” by A.V. Molchanova Address: Angarsk, MBUDO “School № 3” Organizer: E.N. Matveenko Contact information: Tel. 8 ...

BAM “Young Moon Night Race”. Race On Mountain Bicycles on 12/15/2018
New Year's Eve winter race. A lot of snow and Ded Moroz, gifts for the best costume and decorated bike.Collective tea drinking. Delivery by bus. The temperature at the start in 2012 is minus 30 degrees. The most ...

“New Year Bazaar” Fair on 12/23/2018
The fair will offer products of local producers, products of public catering establishments, Christmas decorations, souvenirs and other New Year goods; the program of the fair will include concert numbers, ...