“Intourist” will help tourists to vote
From March 7th, 2018 tour operator “Intourist“ opens a hotline to inform future tourists about the place and procedure of voting in the presidential elections of Russia on March 18. According to the correspondent of info-group “Turprom” in the press service of the tour operator, within the framework of the set of measures implemented by the CEC and Rosturizm to inform citizens about the voting procedure in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation, the hotline of the tour operator “Intourist” will begin to work starting from March 7th.. Its task is to inform tourists traveling abroad and traveling around Russia about the possibilities of voting outside the place of registration.
“By number + 7 (495) 730-5296 It will be possible to receive all necessary information on actions for passing of voting outside of Russia, and also to learn about addresses of polling stations for voting in the concrete country. In addition to the hotline, tourists can get information about the procedure of voting abroad on the websites of the tour operator, “Intourist” said.
We recall, that about 80 thousand Russian citizens will vote ahead of schedule abroad – such an assessment was voiced in the CEC. Among them are tourists from Russia resting at popular resorts, as well as Russian employees of host companies and other “travel industry workers”.
Source https://www.tourprom.ru