Irkutsk region has entered the top ten regions of Russia popular with foreign tourists
Irkutsk Region occupies the sixth place in the top 10 most popular among foreign tourists regions of Russia in the results of 2017. According to statistics, foreigners made 19 million inbound tourist trips to Russia in the nine months of 2017. Top-10 regions of Russia in popularity among foreign tourists were Krasnodar region, Primorye, Crimea, Tatarstan, Moscow suburbs, Irkutsk region, Vladimir Region, Yaroslavl region, Stavropol, and Kaliningrad region. 211 thousand foreign tourists visited Priangarie, which is 35% more than in 2016.
The rating of inbound tourism in Russia was composed by the analytical agency Turstat, it did not include Moscow and St. Petersburg, occupying the first places by the number of tourists. Last year, more than 4.8 million foreigners visited Moscow, St. Petersburg — 3.75 million. It is expected that in 2018 about 2 million foreign tourists will arrive in Russia for the World Cup.
According to Турстата