Angarsk Dental Center
City Dental Clinic (Angara Dental Center) is one of the largest specialized institutions of the dental profile in Siberia, Far East, and North.
The Angara Dental Center has no analogs in the Irkutsk region. Individual approach to each patient, high professional level of the staff allows to render a highly qualified help, including prosthetics and implantation of teeth, at the level of world standards.
The Angara Dental Center actively cooperates with the Western European Academy of Dental Implantology, the University of Munster in Germany, Tokyo the University of General medicine and dentistry, with the dentists of India, Japan, Germany. The joint complex research work with the Irkutsk Institute of Organic Chemistry and the laboratory of Thermal coatings of Tomsk Institute of Physics of Durability and material science of the SOAM of Russia is carried out, the result of which is our own original development of methods of implantation, prosthetics and treatment, protected by patents of the Russian Federation.
Address: 6 District str., 14
Contact information: tel.: 8(3955) 95-21-05, 95-24-67
Vacation Style
Activity Level