Health care center “Rodnik”
Health care center “Rodnik” was established on October 14, 1955.
Health care center “Rodnik” is located in 50 km from Irkutsk in the city of Angarsk in the forest zone with a total area of 37 hectares among evergreen trees and slender birches.
Health care center “Rodnik” is a diversified health resort. Provides treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases, neurological disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, cardiovascular disorders, gynecological and endocrinology diseases, consequences of trauma, skin diseases.
The buildings of the health care center: treatment block, dining room, sleeping blocks -all are connected by transitions into a single complex.
You can choose any convenient form of stay in Health care center “Rodnik”: buy a voucher, an outpatient course with meals or no meals for 21, 18, 14 or 12 days, or pay for a separate single procedure.
The real treasure of the Health care center “Rodnik” is mineral water. There are three wells with water of different mineralization on the territory of the health center: Two springs with drinkable water and one spring for bathing, bowel irrigation, gum and gynecological irrigation.
The medical base is represented by physiotherapy, balneological department, mud baths, a health complex with a swimming pool, saunas, a mini-pool with a hydro-massage, a gym with modern sports equipment etc.
Contact information: tel.: 8 (3955) 57-17-15, 57-17-93 (head of the Department), 57-17-50 (cashier), 57-17-02 (accounting)
Vacation Style
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