In priangare is working to simplify procedures related to registration of real estate takes an active part in the implementation of measures to improve the business environment in the region
Mechanisms to simplify administrative procedures and improve the business environment have been worked out in the Irkutsk region for several years. In 2017 in the framework of this work implemented in the Angara region of the target model facilitation of doing business and increase investment attractiveness of the region.
Target models were developed on behalf of the President of Russia and approved by the order of the government of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the order, 12 models are being implemented in the main areas that most strongly affect the improvement of the business climate. One such area is the cadastral registration.
“The cadastral registration model provides all the steps that applicants face in practice in the acquisition and registration of real estate. Moreover, the target model covers the entire sequence of actions that the applicant carries out to obtain a site, building or structure – from the moment of selection of real estate to its registration. This detailed study will track each stage of the acquisition of real estate and identify emerging problems. This will help to reduce administrative barriers and reduce the time in the provision of public services”, — said the Director of the branch of the Federal cadastral chamber of the Irkutsk region Tatyana Tokareva.
A great importance in the target model is given to the work of the regions on the inclusion in the Unified real estate register (usrn) of information on the boundaries between the subjects of Russia, municipalities and settlements. Up-to-date information on borders allows efficient management of territories and land resources. By the end of 2017, the Unified real estate register should contain information on at least 30% of the boundaries of settlements. At the moment, information about 25% of the boundaries of settlements of the Irkutsk region has already been entered in the unified state register.
Also an important indicator of the convenience and ease of obtaining public services is the growing share of requests for services of the Federal registration service in the offices of Multifunctional centers. By the end of 2017, the cadastral registration model established an increase in the share of service provision on the basis of MFC to 70%. In March, this indicator in the Irkutsk region already amounted to 73%.
“Despite the fact that the procedures for cadastral registration and registration of rights within the competence of the Federal registration service, are final in the registration of real estate, the Cadastral chamber of the Irkutsk region is actively involved in the implementation of target models in these areas. We will continue to work to increase the share of Agency services received in the IFC offices and electronically. We will also continue to cooperate with the authorities on the establishment of the boundaries of municipalities and settlements. This will help to implement all planned activities in the territory of priangarya to increase the investment attractiveness of the region”, — said the Director of the branch of the Federal cadastral chamber of the Irkutsk region Tatyana Tokareva.