The special fire-prevention mode is prolonged till September 1 in the territory of the Irkutsk region
Resolution of the government of Irkutsk region from may 31, 2017 No. 357-PP “On some issues of restrictions in the forests to ensure fire safety and amendments to the decree of the Government of the Irkutsk region dated March 14, 2017 No. 145-PP” the special fire-prevention mode has been extended to 1 September 2017.
In this regard, the information of the Irkutsk region population, including the residents of the Angarsk city district, on fire safety measures continues. Weekly joint meetings of the citizens in the settlements, raids in the CHT, conducted interviews with large and disadvantaged families, as well as being fire-prevention propaganda in preschool and educational institutions located on the territory of Angarsk municipal district.